Men In Tubs
Approximate running time: 2 hours
Event Notes
Tickets: Advance $10 At door $15
2020 Calendar Outtakes Slideshow & Fundraiser for the Nelson Men's Circle.
This evening will bring you the official slideshow of the outtakes from the photoshoots of the 2020 calendar Guest speakers from the community and the Men’s Circle will be raising awareness about mental health.
The Nelson Men’s circle was created in 2015, comprised of 4 men. Since then, the circle has grown to 30+ men. As the circle continues to welcome new men, more leaders and facilitators are essential to maintain strength of the group. The money raised will be used to help pay for tuition and travel expenses for any men taking leadership and facilitator courses throughout the year.
Guests Speakers: Deirdre McLaughlin is a registered counselor and sex educator in Nelson, Bc. Her talk title is: Awkward, Expensive, and Dangerous: My Journey To Sexual Self Esteem.
Nate Fiske is an ICF recovery coach & interventionist. His talk title is: Challenging the Beliefs of Addiction: An Empowering Approach.
Alon Gelcer is an social-environmental activist & a developmental process facilitator. His talk title is: Me, Men & MeToo: A Privileged White Man's Search For Solution.
Jeremie Jalapeno is a Nelson local photographer. His talk title is: Secrets of a Loser: The Shame I Carry.